Sunday, October 19, 2008

Manly man weekend

My boy needed to spend some time driving under the expert tutilage of his father toward erning his drivers license. So I had him drive the pickup truck down to the Home Depot where we bought Lumber. Manly man Lumber. 2 x 4 studs and sheets of plywood. I learned my boy the difference in how the pickup truck handles empty versus full on the trip back to Monroe. In Monroe I skillfully directed my boy to drive around in the parking lot in front of Ben Franklin at 1:00 in the afternoon on Saturday. My boy performed these skills perfectly due to superior lineage and expert instruction. After a brief stop we were back out on the road toward home. My boy’s driving skills notably improved during the trip, no doubt due to my son’s superior intellect and my instruction. Once home I instructed my son on the use of the Skill saw and put him to work cutting up the lumber to precise dimensions. This is to be a glorious day for a testosterone recharge, and for that you have to do real man stuff. And real men build stuff. So we were going to build stuff. My son followed instructions properly even to the point of delivering what I asked for, mistakes and all. But those were my mistakes and that’s OK, because real men make mistakes and aren’t afraid to admit it. Real men learn from their mistakes and need them to improve themselves, as real men are always doing. I assembled the lumber into a storage cabinet. Not just any storage cabinet, but one in my workshop to hold manly things. A cabinet to hold and organize gun stuff. I instructed my boy in the proper form for cleaning up and properly storing the tools. My boy performed well enough to earn himself a beer. I set up the fire pit and the wife cooked manly food over the open fire. Rainbow Trout and potatoes. While the wife was cooking our dinner I had a father –son talk with my boy about the care and cleaning of self and the instructions on staying clean and healthy when playing about. I also provided guidance that some things are just not worth doing at some times. With the outstanding manly meal one of the finer things in life, I served up a perfectly selected wine to compliment our food. Real men enjoy the finer mixtures and pleasures of life. For after dinner entertainment I selected episodes from “The Muppet Show” . Sunday morning broght the realization that another day such as the one before might put me in danger of testosterone poisoning, The Number One cause of american male death. I needed to ease up, so I allowed the boy a day of rest. I put myself about the finish work on the cabinet and stocking it. Real men organize their dangerous toys so as to maximize the logevity of their own lives. Dinner for Sunday, pork roasd and corn roasted on an open fire. Manly Food. A great weekend to be a man.

The Plans